What is Alpha?
Alpha is an opportunity to explore the basics of the Christian faith.
CauseWay is running another Alpha Course in Term 3, 2020.
Starting on Wednesday 24th June with an introductory session which anyone is welcome to attend, looking at the topic ‘Is there more to life than this?’ The first session will include soup and dessert. Each session will be run on a Wednesday night from 7pm to 8.30pm at a home in Mangawhai Village. We will look at a different question that people can have about faith and is designed to create conversation. The evening includes coffee/tea/finger food, a 20-minute video presentation and informal discussion. It’s just an open, informal and honest space to explore and discuss life’s big questions together. As well as the Wednesday evening session there will be a day retreat.
Where is it from?
Alpha was first devised in the late 1970s at Holy Trinity church in Brompton, London, for use among their own congregation. Subsequently, its potential for answering the questions of enquirers and new Christians everywhere became evident; and now it is used by the major Christian denominations all over the world.
Sessions will cover the following topics:
- Is There More to Life Than This?
- Who is Jesus?
- Why Did Jesus Die?
- How Can We Have Faith?
- Why and How Do I Pray?
- Why and How Should I Read the Bible?
- How Does God Guide Us?
- How Can I Resist Evil?
- Does God Heal Today?
- What About the Church?
- Alpha Day Retreat
- Who is the Holy Spirit?
- What Does the Holy Spirit Do?
- How Can I Be Filled with the Holy Spirit?
- How Can I Make the Most of the Rest of My Life?
Who is it aimed at?
Alpha is designed primarily to answer the questions of non-believers. But in fact, there probably isn’t anyone who can’t find benefit in it, including:
- New Christians, seeking to develop and consolidate their understanding
- People whose faith has maybe gone a bit stale and needs kick-starting back into life
- Those who feel they understand the main elements of Christianity but can’t make them fit together sensibly
- Mature Christians who want to revise the basics
- Anyone ready and willing to explain the Faith to others but lacking confidence – making it an ideal preparation for our A Challenge to Mission initiative.
For more info email Bruce & Patricia Fordham here or ask for an Alpha postcard from the Info Table on Sunday which has all the details about the small group you need to know.